Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Rockin' the Brown Carpet

Here's what I wore a few weeks ago to church. I had to take a picture of myself, so it turned out awful. I wish you could see the cuteness. I felt like I was fit for the runway, rockin' my new leather skirt!
What I'm wearing:
Necklace: My new Cookie Lee pearl necklace
Blouse: Liz Claiborne, Goodwill, Everett. You can't see in the picture, but there's some simple beading all over the front of the blouse. It's really pretty.
Ring- Cookie Lee Bling Ring
Skirt- Value Village (I think! I think it was the one down by Northgate... They usually have the best stuff) It's 100% leather and I got it for $10!!!
Tights- They're ribbed! They're pretty cool looking in person- got them at Walmart believe it or not!
Shoes- Black Suede, Mossimo, Target
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My Birthday Suit

Here's what I wore on my birthday- I wasn't naked! Kaylee wanted in on the cuteness too.
On Kaylee:
Cardigan- Forever 21
Pants- H&M She can brag about this purchase- she found them on clearance for $10.
Shoes- Urban Outfitters (they have one of the BEST flats selections!)

On me:
Necklace- Rhinestone bow necklace that I technically bought for Miss B, Cookie Lee
Cardigan- not sure, I swapped it to my sister who swapped it back to me and she has since taken it again... Got it at Ross or TJMaxx
Cream Undershirt- I actually got this in a package of two at Costco, by Mod Bod
Dress- Gift from Jessica! She's such a great gift giver!
Belt- from Goodwill, Marysville
Tights- old old old
Boots- One of my boot purchases from Famous Footwear after Christmas. Had I known I was going to be moving to AZ soon, I wouldn't have bought them. But I will wear everything I can while it's still somewhat cooler!
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First Day at Church

Here's what I wore for my first day at the new ward. I've worn this before but never took a picture of it. And since I packed everything up and moved, I figured I could start over with wearing things I'd already worn. But, I've started over with my whole "don't wear the same thing twice" idea.
What I'm wearing:
Cookie Lee earrings- from Jennifer's "garage sale" which really wasn't too much of a steal, but still some % off
Cookie Lee Multi Charm necklace- I got this at Cara's party. Love this necklace!
Cardigan- George brand from Walmart, I got it at Value Village, Marysville
Dress- Vintage: Miss Onward, got it at Value Village, Marysville for $5!
Belt- gift from Megan Kint- she made it!
Tights- Ross or TJMaxx years and years ago
Shoes- Guess, TJMaxx

Let's just say, I stand out in the crowd. : ) We thought Marysville was bad...
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