Monday, August 29, 2011

Jessica's Outfit August 28, 2011

I finally did it, I remembered to take a pic of me after church!  Not the most impressive outfit to start out with, but I had to introduce my new shoes!

Shoes: From Macy's (San Francisco!!!) that I got with a birthday gift card about 5 years ago, so FREE! N.Y.L.A. Brand. I covered them with scrap pieces of fabric I already had, buttons (Joanne's), and some jewels I tore off of a necklace I got for $1 at Trusty Threads (Marysville). I felt like Andy from Pretty in Pink, except the color scheme was so not pink, it was brown and all shades of green!
Nylons: Forever 21 (Alderwood Mall) for less than $5.
Skirt: GAP Outlet (Marysville). Not sure about $.
Shirt: Banana Republic Outlet (Marysville) for less than $10
Tank Top: Banana Republic Outlet (Marysville) for about $12, I think.
Bracelet: Handmade/Homemade with random pieces of jewelry from Michaels and ribbon/lace.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

KL Sunday, August 14th

Several things come to mind...
Mustard and ketchup
They call me mello yello
Big Bird
The Scooby Doo Room
I could go on, but instead I'll tell you about it...

Dress, Value Village, Marysville
Shrug, Victoria's Secret, online
Tights, H&M, Boston
Shoes, Trusty Threads, Marysville
Necklace, creation from another necklace, an earring, and a safety pin. :)
"bracelets", ribbons from boxes of chocolates at a charity event, The Ruins, Seattle

Kim's Sunday Outfit 14 August 2011

Besides the outfit, wanted to share my new hair with you. I chopped it all off so that Jessica and I will no longer be playing each other's stunt double- plus I've always wanted to go this short, so it was a good reason to just GO FOR IT!

Now, on to more important things: the outfit. I felt VERY cute today, so I was really excited to get this up for you gals. : )

Earrings: Wedding gift from my grandma
Necklace: Locket from garage sale, Lake Stevens (The one at your old place of business, Katie. In a bag of goodies, for 25 cents. Totally awesome)
Cardigan: Star City (never heard of that brand), Ross or TJMaxx, Provo (I've had this cardigan since before I met Dale. I swapped it with my sister a few years ago, who then returned it to me when we swapped clothes this past spring. Yay! It's like new all over again!)
Blouse: Lapis, TJMaxx, Everett
Belt: Another Kim Creation following this tutorial.
Ring: Forever 21, Arizona
Skirt: Merona, Target, Lake Stevens
Shoes: Ann Michelle, Ross, TJMaxx, or Marshalls- those three just kinda blur together for me
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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Kim's Sunday Outfit 7 August 2011

Story behind the shirt: I bought it white from Target a few years ago. I've gotten sick of all the white in my closet, so I decided to dye it. It wasn't supposed to be THIS orange- it's like a freakin' pumpkin! I was hoping it would have come out more of a burnt orange, but no such luck.
Once the dye job was over, I noticed the neckline was coming undone. It's kind of a sweater material, so it was starting to unravel! I bought orange thread to try and fix it and while it held together, it didn't look so nice. I was about to toss it when I was going through my fabric scraps and came across this long strip of fabric (I don't know my fabrics, how sad, and strange, is that?!) that's kinda silky and flowy... : ) I draped and sewed it down and was pretty dang proud of myself.
Earrings: Handmade by either me or my sister, can't remember
Shirt: A One-of-a-Kind Kim Creation
Both Necklaces: Avon, Goodwill, Everett
Bracelet: Kohl's, Marysville
Skirt: H&M, Las Vegas
Shoes: Steve Madden, Value Village, Marysville

Kim's Sunday Outfit 31 July 2011

So I'm not allowed to leave comments on the blog, thus I will begin with: Katie, gorgeous hair. Love the curls. And those shoes! Why are all your shoes so amazing?! And where the heck is everyone else's fabulous-ness?
There's a story behind the hat: I really was planning on wearing it to church that Sunday, had picked out my outfit the night before (which I'd also picked on another occasion and chickened out) and was all psyched about walking into church with a hat on. So then I get dressed and I'm like, nope, not gonna do it. I blow dry and begin to straighten my hair when my straightener snaps and breaks. I was only halfway done, so the top of my head was NOT looking very pretty- kinda puffy. I had no choice- the hat was now a necessity.
SO SO glad I wore it. I think I'll buy more hats : )

Hat: Soprattutto... (it's Italian) purchased more than 5 years ago at Ross, TJMaxx or Marshalls. Can't remember which. It's 100% vegetal fibre. Weird.
Bangles: Tucson, AZ Gem show (Thanks for always hooking me up, mom!)
Dress: Vintage/Handmade, Value Village, Marysville
T-Shirt: Gap Outlet, Marysville
Belt: Satin Ribbon
Shoes: Two Lips, Nordstrom

Monday, August 8, 2011

KL Sunday, August 7th

I refuse to post the photos I took from yesterday... they turned out horribly! :(

KL Sunday, July 24th

Curled my hair and EVERYTHING!
Let's see...
shirt, Victorias Secret, online
skirt, freebie from Krissy
belt? I have no idea
shoes, Old Navy clearance, Everett
white bracelet, where did we all go for the girl's shopping day? Bothell, WA
brass bracelet, flee market, Monroe