Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Kim's Sunday Outfit 7 August 2011

Story behind the shirt: I bought it white from Target a few years ago. I've gotten sick of all the white in my closet, so I decided to dye it. It wasn't supposed to be THIS orange- it's like a freakin' pumpkin! I was hoping it would have come out more of a burnt orange, but no such luck.
Once the dye job was over, I noticed the neckline was coming undone. It's kind of a sweater material, so it was starting to unravel! I bought orange thread to try and fix it and while it held together, it didn't look so nice. I was about to toss it when I was going through my fabric scraps and came across this long strip of fabric (I don't know my fabrics, how sad, and strange, is that?!) that's kinda silky and flowy... : ) I draped and sewed it down and was pretty dang proud of myself.
Earrings: Handmade by either me or my sister, can't remember
Shirt: A One-of-a-Kind Kim Creation
Both Necklaces: Avon, Goodwill, Everett
Bracelet: Kohl's, Marysville
Skirt: H&M, Las Vegas
Shoes: Steve Madden, Value Village, Marysville

1 comment:

  1. Go Kim! You are amazing with that shirt and you can totally pull off the orange.
    Love, love, love the shoes!
